Working on Thesis: 7 Tips to Defeat your Disorientation on Thesis

Working on Thesis: 7 Tips to Defeat your Disorientation on Thesis

This post was inspired by Mas Yusuf who wrote in his blog about Faktor Internal Penghambat Skripsi (The Internal Factors of Thesis Detention XD). Yep, sometimes thesis can be something that is so annoying. Moreover if you delay it over and over again. It can haunt you even on your sleep. Hahahahah (lebay XD). Anyway, among of the 6 factors that Mas Yusuf’s elaborated, disorientation is the most “attractive” to me, because I feel it and it is happening to me.

First of all, disorientation is a state of mental confusion. I think it is a combination of feeling tired, confused, and seems like we wander into the middle of somewhere and Bam! We lost. And we just don’t care about that particular think; and in this case is the thesis.

For anyone who have been taking thesis and you feel so tired, you guys are not alone 😀 (Put your hands up!) Thus, for you who have this kind of disorientation and you are feeling so lazy and just want to get the fuck off about your thesis :D, this is what I am doing:

1. Feed Your Ego


If you are not feeling good and you just do not want to do it, then just don’t do it, because it will be useless. You might just stare in front of your laptop and doing nothing. So, while you are waiting for the muse to strike, you can go picnic somewhere, hangout with your friends, and just be fun! Just do whatever you want, spoiled yourself, be happy, and don’t think about your thesis for awhile.

However, you should remember, you can’t feed your ego continuously. You must know when you have to stop and do your thesis. If you feed your ego continuously, then you’ll be death. XD


2. Listening to the music

I love paramore! 🙂 How about you?

If your are feeling bored, you can do your thesis while listening to the music. However, if you are kind of a person who need a desolate and deserted circumstance, you can skip this one. Music helps you be relax, though. I always choose my favorite band like Paramore, but sometimes I listen to The Weeknd and Daniela Andrade. So, it depends on my mood. For another tips, you might click it: Music for Studying.

3. Reading


Tired of reading journals and books? You might read the fiction one. Be relax, and feed your thought.


4. Free Writing


Thesis also always deal with formal writing and a lot of rules there. In such a way, you can do free writing. Free your mind. Write whatever you want on your blog or whatever you want. You can write a fiction, tips or tricks, a diary or just a jibber jabber. For me, writing is like a catharsis, so it always help me. You should try! 😉


5. Make a to do list


If you are kind of a procrastinate person, you should make a to do list and you should obey it. You should learn to be disciplined and conform your own schedule. A to do list helps you to keep in mind that you have bunch of things to do. So, you would not take it easy your thesis.


6. Change your Mindset

Change your mindset, that thesis is not a nightmare! It should be something fun because you are doing a research and looking for something that is unknown, yet. That is why, for anyone who do not taking a thesis yet, I suggest you that you should doing a research that makes you happy, challenged, curious, and you are not feeling forced. For example, I love every thing about disability awareness, hence my thesis is about mental disability 😀

What is the point if you are not happy, right?


7. Surround yourself with a Good Vibe

Last but not least, you have to surround yourself with a good vibe. Good vibe means every kind of positive energy. You ought to think that you can do your thesis and you can finish it! You also have to keep in mind that:

If you do not chase it that hard, you don’t want it that bad.

So, my question is, do you want it that bad? Do you want to chase your dream? Do want to make your parents happy? You also have to remember your parents who always support you all of the time. They must be work hard to fund your college study. Don’t you want to make them proud of you?

And my last word is:

It is always you against yourself.

That’s it! Defeat your disorientation and good luck for your thesis! 😉

15 thoughts on “Working on Thesis: 7 Tips to Defeat your Disorientation on Thesis

  1. Tipsnya bagus. Dan tidak hanya untuk skripsi sih kalau menurut saya, melainkan dapat juga dipakai dalam proses penyelesaian semua hal yang membutuhkan komitmen, seperti postingan blog juga bisa :haha. Yah intinya menurut saya bagaimana tidak memandang apa yang mesti diselesaikan itu sebagai beban yang besar banget. Terus bagaimana membuat hati tetap bahagia, karena dengan hati yang bahagialah semua bisa selesai :)).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wew, artikelnya luar biasa.. Pakai bahasa Inggris dan naruh literatur.. Apakah ini efek karena yg nulis mahasiswa pascasarjana, wkwk.. 😹

    Terima kasih banyak nih udah masukin link ane di sini.. Ane share ya.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you talkative grasshopper! ><

      It was indeed a horrible moment, isn’t it? hihi. I hope mine would not be that way :3

      thanks for stopping by :))


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